Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Fiscal responsibility

With all the scandals of missuse of funds and mis-collection of funds both local and abroad, I propose that our team fund be regulated, both IN and OUT. No single individual/GRC shld be able to disperse the funds nor impose fines arbitually. There shld be proper CHECK and BALANCE.

We are now starting to see cases where "events" are to be sponsored/ subsidised by the fund. How do we differentiate which ones are for the good of the team and which ones are not? Imposing fines shld be done when the majority of the team are agreeable since it affects everyone directly.

I propose that we need at least a member from each GRC to acknowledge that the event is worth subsidising/sponsoring and that we require a two-third majority in order to impose fines.

Just my two cents worth.



Fallen Comrades said...

I second that

Tan WJ

Papa5secs said...

hmmm.....gd point