This is it!!! I am sick and tired of "smelly" players who always like to leave a boot or knee or arm behind in their tackles!!! They dun know that they are affecting an old man's movment and comfort for the following week!! Also, they think they are smart but they do not know they are dealing with PAPASOH!!!
Capt!! I am demanding that I can exact my revenge on the next funny player that comes along!!! When they try their niggling moves again, I swear I'll leave my studs in their balls so very hard and so very fast that they wun remember that they have balls in the first place!!!
Hmm.. North Korea doing military exercises again.. haha
Bo la..Not military exercises yet.. Just 'testing' alot of nuclear missiles first...
Can we curb the aggression of the North?
"Yes you can!"
As a GK you are facing so many injuries how are you gona take more knocks when you are playing as a outfield player? So I strongly suggest that you stay between the sticks so that the reserves dun have to do a fireman lift when you are down as a outfield player... LOL ( I was force by my husband to post such a comment so that he would be giving me tonight)
Wah nowadays people playing anonymous liao ah...seems like I have to disable the function to post as anonymous soon...
Bo liao!!! I mean the next one that come along i will sure retaliate dun care red card or team leading or losing la.....
Whose ang mo understanding so poor trying to stir up tensions between the nuclear countries?? Just like those tabloids !!1
Anyway sunday i not free!!!
Ya..indeed bo liao. Time to march some suspects to RSM office liao.
U have until 31 July 2359hrs to own up before i slapped a hefty fine on u all.
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