Guys, you should have heard about our plans to come up with a PhotoBook to commemorate our friendship and brotherhood of 15 years. I was clearing up some stuff in my room today and I came across our old photos. Below are a couple of them just for a sneak preview of what would end up in the book. Enjoy!

Our graduation ceremony - 1998

Australia Trip - 1998

Our fetish for paparazzi actually started some 10 years ago...

...and what a valuable find this might prove to be.
These photos really look ancient. Nt so many years ago, C-cup was still an A-cup, Wayang's tummy was still flat, mervin still centre parting etc.
Wats unchanged probably is Sparrow still fat, kenny still dun style his hair and our favourite is still seafood.
*drum roll pls*.....and the biggest make over change goes to..... Thief!!
Pls have a before and after pics portfolio on him and see the amazing change!! hahahhaah
wao.. tat really look ancient haha
most of us look so different from now..
pls dun remind me of the past.. burn them all!! haha..
ya.. very different. still have lots of hair then.. haiz.
actually no hair loss coz the hair on your head has now been transfered to your stomach only mah~ LOL
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